SIP Calculator - Systematic Investment Plan

SIP Calculator

Total Investment:

Total Returns:

Interest Earned:

A systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is something that is the most important part and is the best way to invest in Mutual Funds, where any common man or woman can save and generate a huge amount of money within a specific period of time. However, we have seen that most people are not taking any such plan in a lack of complete knowledge or fear of losing their hard-earned money. We also keep waiting for someone to come forward and tell us where to invest, and how much amount from the hard-earned money should be invested in the Mutual Funds or SIP. As per the researchers, we should invest at least 10 to 15% of our monthly income into the SIP to get a handsome amount in the end. However, you can always invest as per your capacity and there are no hard and fast rules for the same.

Risk tolerance: The amount you invest in SIP also depends on your risk-taking capacity, Having a risk appetite is a very important part and the risk tolerance is largely determined by your hunger for risks. You should invest in equity funds if in case you wanted to play safe, however, if you want high returns then you may go ahead with aggressive hybrid funds. Always plan out your objectives, like whether you wanted to have a retirement fund, a fund for education, medical emergencies, or any other requirements, and plan to invest according.

All the available funds in the market come with a cost or fee also known as operational charges as mutual funds are managed by professionals and they take care of the timely investments and withdrawals from the funds on the customer's behalf. selecting the mutual fund is a two-step process wherein we need to select the category and then the scheme. Just like other expense ratios, there are several mutual funds that have an exit load if you make a premature exit from it hence we should always research the available options and compare all such factors at the time of investment to avoid any future hassle.

Taking all the points in mind go ahead and invest in the Mutual Funds through the Systematic Investment Plan and make your future safe and secure and live life king-size without any financial worries. Happy Investing.

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