Online Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator

The online scientific calculator provides the complete solution for all your calculation-related issues, we are committed to providing 100% accurate results.
This online calculator creates simple as well as scientific calculations with various buttons for numbers, basic operators, decimal points, parentheses, percentages, square roots, exponentiation, trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent), and logarithm. The insert function appends the corresponding value to the input field when a button is clicked. The clear Input function clears the input field. The calculate function evaluates the input expression using eval and updates the input field with the result when the "=" button is clicked.
Please use all the functions as mentioned below:

+ Addition
− Subtraction
× Multiplication
÷ Division
= Calculate
√x Square root
% Percentage
Sin Sine of an expression or value
Cos Cosine of an expression or value
Tan Tangent of an expression or value
Log The base−10 logarithm of an expression or value

Use your delete/backspace key to delete one character at a time from the right using a keyboard, backspace with the delete button
Using a touchscreen, on a phone or tablet, tap into the display then use the virtual keyboard delete button
To copy, highlight the results in the display window and copy to your clipboard

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Online Scientific Calculator
Image by freepik

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