Business Days Calculator

Business Days Calculator


This is free to use online calculator which can be used to calculate the business days between any 2 selected dates. We have also included the functionality to check or uncheck the Saturdays. If in case your Saturdays are working, please check the checkbox "Include Saturdays" and the results will show the total number of working days including the Saturdays. If in case your Saturdays are not working then please uncheck the "Include Saturdays" button and you will get the total number of working days without including the Saturday.

Below are the examples for both of the Scenarios:
If you wish to calculate how many business days were there in the month of August 2023, please follow the below-mentioned steps.

Step 1 (Excluding Saturdays)

Click on "Select Start Date" button
Select the date as 01 August 2023 from the calendar
Click on "Select End Date" button
Select the date as 31 August 2023 from the calendar
Click on "Calculate" button
Results will show as 23 business day(s)

Step 2 (Including Saturdays)

Click on "Select Start Date" button
Select the date as 01 August 2023 from the calendar
Click on "Select End Date" button
Select the date as 31 August 2023 from the calendar
Click on "Include Saturdays" button
Results will show as 27 business day(s)

Click on the "Clear" button to reset the values.

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Business days calculator
Image by freepik

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